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Best Hoof

obrazek: Best Hoof

Special formula for healthy hooves and their better growth.

producent: Horse Master | Od ręki

Many horses can not perform because of a problem or sensitivity to the feet. Although many factors influence the development of the foot, biotin intake has shown many times its value. D-biotin, the only biologically active form, contains sulfur in its molecule and is part of a coenzyme required for energy metabolism. Involved in the metabolism of keratin synthesis, it is well established that it plays an important role in the structure of the hooves and the skin. Scientific studies have shown that biotin supplementation of 20 mg per day had positive effects on horn quality and increased its growth rate.

BEST HOOF is a complete formula providing amino acids (lysine, methionine), trace elements (zinc, copper) and d-biotin. BEST HOOF is especially recommended to help horses with damaged hooves.

Ten produkt oferujemy w 3 opakowaniach.

Best Hoof 2 kg

  • Kod opakowania: 1100120
  • Opakowanie wystarczy na 66 dni
180 zł

Best Hoof 5 kg

  • Kod opakowania: 1100150
  • Opakowanie wystarczy na 165 dni
399 zł

Best Hoof 10 kg

  • Kod opakowania: 11100110
795 zł

Enclosed scoop provides 15 g. Give to the horse 2 scoops of BEST HOOF per day during at least 60 days provided 20 mg of pure biotin per day (or use as directed by your veterinary advisor). For an optimal result it is advised to feed BEST HOOF during 8 to 10 months.

Analytical constituents:

Crude ashes ............................... 66 %

Calcium ....................................... 16 %

Crude proteins .......................... 5.7 %

Crude fats ..................................... 3 %

Magnesium ................................... 2 %

Sodium .......................................... 2 %

Crude fibers ............................... 1.4 %

Phosphorus ............................... 0.3 %

Additives per kilo:


D-Biotin .......................................................... 700 mg

Amino acids:

3c301 Methionine .................................... 10 000 mg

L-Lysine Monochlorhydrate ...................... 5 000 mg

3.1.1 Threonine ........................................... 3 000 mg

3.4.1 Tryptophane ...................................... 1 000 mg


E6 Zinc (chelate of glycine) ........................ 2 000 mg

E4 Copper (chelate of glycine) ...................... 500 mg

Antioxygens :

E321 BHT ........................................................... 60 mg

E310 Propyl Gallate .......................................... 25 mg

Anti-caking agent:

E562 Sepiolite .......................................... 200 000 mg

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